De passage d’un reus à plus tard
During the Park Poétik summer of 2021, art collective KNEPH created a living installation in Forest Park. Platform Poétik 2.0/Arbre Poétik gave the leading role to four different trees. Like a fungus, the installation steadily expanded into a forest of poetry and artfully depicted contemporary issues.
Arbre Poétik 3.0 - 2022 realises the installation De passage d'un reus à plus tard around a fifth tree: the old horse chestnut.
This tree is suffering from chestnut blight and is dying. It has therefore been protected for some time by barricades to safeguard the walkers.
Park Poetik & KNEPH want to give new life to a giant that is a historical witness and is in danger of disappearing. That is why we are happy to work with artist Charles Djeumou.
Charles only works with dead trunks and cuts them down to give them a new life. He will do this by sculpting the dying tree on the spot. The sculpture is a buoy of hope for the future. Because the preservation of nature is an absolute necessity for all mankind.
At the same time, De passage d'un reus à plus tard is a creation for society: together with the local residents, a farewell procedure is developed that culminates in a ceremonial farewell party.
Construction sur place Charles Djeumou
Oct 202: KNEPH Charles et Marc + equipe to examinenr de plus près l'état de l'arbre et sur cette base, prendre une décision comment l'arbre sera abattu.
Charles only works with dead trunks and cuts them down to give them a new form of life. He will do this by sculpting the dying tree on the spot. The sculpture is a buoy of hope for the future. Because the preservation of nature is an absolute necessity for all mankind.
At the same time, De passage d'un reus à plus tard is a creation for society: together with the local residents, a farewell procedure is developed, culminating in a ceremonial farewell party.Collaboration avec les riverains
L'implication du quartier est primordiale pour KNEPH!!! Il serait préférable de faire une solide préparation avec les habitants autour du parc, les flaneurs, les âmes sœurs, les passionnés de la nature dans une ville ...
Dire au revoir, embrasser la guérison (et pas seulement cet arbre ancien préféré), réfléchir à la 'migration' des arbres et des vivaces... l'arbre comme SUJET, un être vivant et souffrant.
Impliquer tout dans le cadre officiel et participer à ce processus ensemble est aussi très important. Sur un pied d'égalité!!!
The involvement of the neighbourhood is essential for KNEPH! It would be best to make a solid preparation with the residents around the park, flaneurs, kindred spirits, nature enthusiasts in a city...
Saying goodbye, embracing healing (not just that favourite ancient tree), reflecting on the 'migration' of trees and perennials... the tree as a SUBJECT, a living and suffering being.
Involving everything in the formal setting and participating in this process together is also very important. On an equal footing!!!
Charles Djemou
Abattage sur place avec ses propres fournitures de sculpteur.
The renewed appropriation and connection with ancestral values is the expression that characterises his works.
His art is a transmission, a reincarnation of his ancestral lineage,materialised in the sculptures to preserve preserve, integrate and promote human values ….The preservation of nature is an absolute necessity for all mankind.
Charles only cuts down dead logs to give them a new form of life
KOUNG performance
Man does ask himself what could be the cause of the dramatic phenomena on earth, but explains this from a positive scientific or economic-political framework. We no longer see that it transcends this. Returning to the source is the only remedy to reverse the disasters that plague the earth. Connecting ourselves to the source of who we are, the origin of all that is, of creation. We are responsible for harmony and disharmony.
The wooden sculptures connect to the ceremonial images of the Bamileke, Cameroon. They are ritual images of the transfer of knowledge for all mankind.
Charles was given permission to sculpt the felled trees in the Royal Park of Laeken. A cyclical process of recovery from disruption during the colonial past?

m'ougen n'dopou
participatory sculpture
BABEL theme:
the sculpture represents mboué, a divine entity for the Bamileke from Cameroon, who has an ancestral connection with the Egyptian god Horus.
The sculpture is a throne / mountain / tower. The visitor can sit in it. The throne refers to the holy mountains in Cameroon. They are mysterious structures. They are the sources of knowledge.
By folding in himself, man can recharge his batteries. He can understand that man himself is responsible for the disasters of the world. The tower/mountain/throne, like the sacred mountains in Cameroon, is a source that stores possibilities.
Silence is a zone of being in which man can withdraw and have contact with ancient wisdom. There he can hear the voice of his ancestors.